We are NTUHA

A mobile and USSD enabled platform that allows farmers, traders, and other users (commuters) to search for available means of transport for their agro inputs and produce in a way that makes them gain high income.Using Mobile App and USSD applicatication. Users can get affordable transportation through Ntuha Boda, Ntuha Taxi, and Ntuha Truck to transport their items safely.



Ntuha Boda

A user can choose to use the platform by requesting a boda-boda (motorcycle) as means of transport. The boda option can help both commuters and farmers for transportation.

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Ntuha Taxi

Users especially commuters, need a ride from home to work or any destination. They can be able to request for a Taxi/Cab from our mobile app or USSD platform

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Ntuha Truck

Farmers especially, you may want to transport your bulk produce or inputs from your farm to the market; perhaps from the input store to your farm. Ntuha Truck is the ideal transportation.

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  • Objective #1

    Connecting farmers and other users to a reliable means of transport to transport either farm produce or inputs.

  • Objective #2

    Increase farmer’s income through easy and quick access to the market.

  • Objective #3

    Replace use of middlemen in the agricultural ecosystem.

  • Objective #4

    Combine logistics and market facilitation mechanism to enable farmers maximize return on investment.

  • Objective #5

    Give farmers climate or season information to enable them plan well for their farms.

  • Objective #6

    Maximizing agricultural productivity generally at the end of the day.

What They Say About Us

Testimonials from our users including Riders, Commuters and Farmers who use Ntuha for their transportation needs.